Twin Oaks Airpark
Twin Oaks Airpark (7S3) is a Privately Owned airport that is open to the public
Twin Oaks provides: Hangar Rental, Aircraft Maintenance, Flight Training, Aircraft Rental and Aviation Fuel.
We are located 7 nautical miles south of the Hillsboro Airport.
Twin Oaks has one runway 2500ft X 48ft that is lit via pilot controlled lighting.
Traffic Pattern / Noise Abatement
Being a good neighbor is important at Twin Oaks Airpark.
Touch and Goes are strongly discouraged and not permitted in rental aircraft. If you cannot land in the first 1/3 of the runway, go around.
As always, safety of flight should take priority over all else.
Twin Oaks uses a 1,200ft MSL (1,000ft Above Ground Level), Left traffic pattern for both runways.
Please do not fly "straight-in" landings to either runway at Twin Oaks.
Wind Calm: Takeoff runway 02 and land on runway 02
South Wind: Takeoff runway 20 land runway 20
North Wind: Takeoff runway 02 land runway 02
If making a right turn-out from runway 02 to the East, please contact KHIO tower prior to encroaching on the KHIO 31L straight-in landing corridor. Otherwise make left traffic and depart to the East from the base leg.